A petite pervasive Scottish blond woman arrived on Ghanaian soil two years ago with a vision. A bizarre and complicated vision.
She wanted to uproot 10 massive rainforest tree stumps, and have them shipped to the UK. (Each is the size of a gnarled house – note the size of a man beside the uprooted stump in the photo)…
Her name is Angela Palmer and her vision is about to be realized, and the fruits of her labour will comprise the Ghost Forest Project, to be on display in London in November.
Yes, I am not kidding. At a cost of £250,000 for the transport aspect alone, not to mention the logistical nightmare encountered getting them out of the forest, the manpower involved and even libations poured to angered gods in the area….
What is the point of this seemingly indulgent and over-the-top endeavour?
Oh, and the desire to highlight issues of deforestation.
The stumps will be displayed in Trafalgar Square in London from November 16th to 22nd, and then moved once again to Thorvaldsens Plads, Copenhagen, Denmark to coincide with UN Climate Change conference.
Many questions need to be raised here. What is the carbon footprint of this project? What are the costs in total and could the funds have been better allocated in a campaign to highlight climate change?
What is the desired and measurable effect? Is it a mad delusional artist’s self indulgent dream or is it an important and unprecedented step in exposing the issues at hand?
What are the issues at hand?
Deforestation in the tropics accounts for nearly 20 per cent of carbon emissions due to human activities. That’s quite a staggering figure.
Considering that Ghana has lost 90% of its virgin rainforest in the past 50 years, there is definitely a need for a change in practise.
This exhibit will definitely be eye-catching and thought provoking, both in London and Copenhagen. But here where we need it – here where the deforestation persists and where the affects of global climate change will be most harshly felt – what will be the benefit?
Ghanaians know nothing of this project or it’s aims. Apart from those involved in moving these mammoth stumps from the rural areas down to the Takoradi port and schlepping them onboard the cargo ships, it has slipped under the radar. It has missed it’s chance to shock and educate and to inform.
I get visions of Live 8 back in 2005, aimed at raising awareness and money to eliminate African poverty, yet not one African band or contributor was included.
If we want to make a difference in the so-called third world, we need to involve, include and make accountable the communities that need it most.
All is not lost though. In 2008, Ghana became the first country in Africa to enter the VPA (Voluntary Partnership Agreement) with the European Union in an effort to outlaw illegal logging, which incidentally still accounts for over half its harvested timber.
This year, the John Bitar company in Western Ghana where the tree stumps were excavated from, began one of the world's largest private reforestation programmes, which involves planting 25 million trees on degraded land over the next five years.

The roots were so hard and big and old, that thy abandoned the job from about 4 feet to the ground…
I kept waiting to see what would be built there in it’s place. What on earth could justify cutting a tree that was centuries old and provided shade and a home to wildlife all it’s days.
Today, on Blogger Action Day, I walked by the familiar corner. The owner of the house has planted some garden plants to hide the eye sore that is the massive base of the tree.
Come on Ghana!!! Let’s value our trees and ourselves!
Start asking about climate change and it’s affects. Let’s not attend seminars on climate change, just to collect our per diems and get the funding.
In the end, Ghana is for Ghana’s children and they deserve a better and stable future without flooding and famine.
Read, explore, learn... Get involved for the sake of sharing knowledge and promoting change – right here at home.
Today is Blog Action Day! Visit the site! Take part!!!

A beautiful picture of that uprooted rainforest tree. Some interesting questions put about the project. Even if it will spark discussions in Europe, what will be the change here? Interestingly, my viewpoint was the same - climate change is not an issue in Ghana.
poor tree
This sort of spending makes me weep when I know how little it costs to educate a child in Ghana. It's like Oprah spending $40 million on one school. Just think of how many African children she could have educated excellently with that money.
The idea of that big, beautiful tree being cut down made me very sad.
Big, old trees seem to have such personality & presence. Cutting one down is like... beheading a grandma or grandpa. :(
I hope she is a success and her installation illuminates the need for us to protect the rain forests and our earth.
much love
Fantastic article, Holli! Here's to more work/action, and less talk!!!
@Kajsa - thanks - do you really feel climate change is not an issue in Ghana?
@Shelli and Odette - this tree cutting practice in Ghana makes me so upset! I wrote a big post about it last year when they cut down tonns of big trees at a roundabout, to put up a silly statue!!
@expat mum - that Oprah! Here's another story about the school she built:
Thanks Stacey and Golda for visiting and commenting!!!
Excellent post. Hmmm, the issue with the artist transporting the stumps to Europe is definitely a difficult one - on one hand you may raise awareness, on the other hand you contribute to the very problem you are trying to fix. I guess it depends how much of a "difference" her art installation results in.
I do think climate change is a big issue in Ghana, it may not be the "trendiest" or most "popular" subject here but it is definitely an issue which a considerable number of people are concerned about. For my organisation our primary concern is the impact of climate change on women - feel free to check out the post on the subject at www.africanwomensdevelopmentfund.blogspot.com
Great post. Those old trees and thier roots are lovely. You raise a good point about the cost, both monetarily and ecologically, of moving these massive roots. The money alone could fund an enormous amount of reforestation and education programs in GHANA.
I hope that in the countries where these are displayed there is information and the ability to become involved in the solution - not simply highlighting the problem. Many times we see these images, are affected by them, and then we go home and forget to get involved. It is alwasy easier to make a contribution or volunteer to help if there is a way to do it while the emotional impact of such an exhibiit is still with you!
I really hope that this far exhibit brings some help back to the trees home!
I am off to check out Blog Action Day!
Thanks for directing me there. Not surprising. I can't believe the gossip press here didn't catch on to it.
This is a great idea. The only sadness is that installations and 'protest' art seems to be very often lost on people.
Art still seems to be viewed in a similar way to opera - inaccessible to the everyday person - but it's as accessible as we allow it to be.
I hope this exhibition/installation raises awareness. Thanks for highlighting it. A great read.
whoaaaaaaaa...how huge is that stump!!!
@ Brittany and expatmum - did you register and post on the topic?
Matthew - I agree that protest art is only appreciated by a few. The trouble in this case is that the place where the deforestation is happening does not see or hear the protest!!! :)
Great post! So informative, it's shocking what we don't hear about despite living in the country where it's happening.
I agree with you that the environment needs to be prioritised in Ghana and soon, but how does one raise awareness?
There might be need for a "the value is the same"-type brainwashing campaign!
Sad what's happening in Ghana, but great to hear about the reforestation project by the John Bitar company.
I just hope Angela Palmer's Ghost Forest Project raises awareness. I think it will help expose this tragedy.
It is a shame how we allow people to influence us with money. We sold our kinsmen because of money and now we are doing it to the trees. It is a pity how we later turn around to blame external forces for our misfortunes.
Thanks Maya! I agree. I'm following you now over at Maya's Earth...
Thanks Tom - great idea at the people's blog! We need some of Angela Palmer's type projects to be realised over here in Ghana as well. Not just in the Europe... :)
Edward - this is a good point and one people forget all the time. But what's the answer to start changing???
Thanks everyone for taking the time to comment!!!
That hurts my heart!! What a shame, to destroy a tree so sacred!
I think your questions about this project are well-founded. It makes you wonder if it's really worth it and whether there were not other ways to highlight deforestation.
It saddens me to see how much deforestation is happening, and what people are doing to the environment in general. This Earth is our home and we must take care of Her.
A wonderful post.
Have a great day,
250 000 could teach a lot of ghanean children things about saving/procetcing the environment and would effect generations to come
I really think it is questionable project
What a great video, and post. It takes people like yourself who can open our eyes, our minds, and our hearts. Thank you.
Amazing header photo, too. Well done.I have given you a shout out!
Thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog.
You have a very interesting and intriguing blog!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I think tonight I will put together some information about our wonderful national forests... those I have been visiting of late... for Blog Action Day.
You raise some good questions in your piece. Although the artist will no doubt spur a lot of interest in climate change, I too wonder if it was the best route to take. She no doubt will be "preaching to the choir".
How many trees were mangled and plants destroyed in trying to remove these stumps from the forest?
Thank you, Lizzy
Thanks, Holli! Hopefully things pick up at the People's Blog. It's still in it's infancy.
Angela should have started her Ghost Forrest project in Ghana for the people.
The picture of that old, uprooted tree is gutwrenching. Thank you for a fantastic post and I hope someday things will be better. Wishing the best for Angela's GFP.
Much Love,
@Sylvia - I agree it makes my heart hurt!
@Raven, Mangotree and Lizzy - thanks for the comments - I have to agree that the project is maybe not the best use of the funds and efforts! We need enlightement here and how many other trees WERE damaged getting these mammoth stumps out!!!
@ Lauren and Tom - thanks for visiting and commenting. All the best with the peoplesblog!!! It is definitely a great idea.
Deborah - we all hope things will get better. And yes, we hope the exhibition will live up to it's expectations, and spread the word to as many people as possible. Thanks :)
Wow! I'm amazed. I have this attachement to trees. They really speak to me. The pic of that stump hit me so hard. I ache a bit.
Thanks for coming to visit my site Kelly! It's an honour. I am enamoured by your writing. I would like to feature you and make a link to your site if that's ok.
The tree thing always gets to me. I've written quite a few posts about this over the years. No one in Ghana seems to care at all about them, and would rather hack them down than let them thrive!!! :( Ache - me too.
It can't get any better than this.
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Its a pointless thing they are doing. They are spending so much money doing this and they are destorying the beauty that it brings.
This kind of thing really gets on my nerves. I have absolutely no understanding of this kind of excessively wasteful (on so many levels) logic. This is why I work with youth to be more aware of their necessities and to make Ghana what they need it to be, not allowing such frivolous acts to take place.
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