beauty [ˈbjuːtɪ]
n pl -ties
1. the combination of all the qualities of a person or thing that delight the senses and please the mind
2. a very attractive and well-formed girl or woman
3. Informal an outstanding example of its kind 'the horse is a beauty'
It makes no reference to the cultural reference points which determine what is considered beautiful. Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we have to assume that culture molds and defines what the beholder finds beautiful.
This photo depicts what is being presented in the West through magazines, television, models on the catwalk - as the feminine ideal. Zero percent body fat, size zero...

This photo was posted by a Ghanaian on facebook - the comments from the Ghanaians - both men and women were all positive - the women with envy, the men with enthusiasm about the great shape this lady has (not to mention the practicality of having a table surface on your anatomy! hee hee).

There are so many factors that have come together to create the current beauty ideals across the cultures of today. Fat, thin, tall, short, some cultures promote the filing of ladies teeth into sharp points and elongating their necks with heavy metal neck rings, to the point where they can no longer hold them up on their own.
At the end of the day, we can't all meet the ideal of our societies or cultures -
should we reject them? Analyse and overturn them? Can we ever get away from the importance placed on beauty in our societies?
Heavy questions for a random Thursday afternoon - I just wanted to put up these pics that show such extremes. (I'm busy working on a meatier post about our excellent trip to Kruger Park game reserve in SA).

Whoa. They're both totally unrealistic. Is the second woman twisted into an awkward position, or does she actually have a table for a butt? It looks like she might be on her knees and jutting the top half of her body forward.
OK, I've spent far too much time looking at these photos now...
Okay, my body shape is certainly more comparable to beauty #2 (minus the table for a behind); however I think as long as you feel good in mind and body - that's who you should be and not what is dictated by glamour society.
Hi Megan - both bodies are real - if indeed extremes. Living in Ghana I can attest that many ladies have buts like this - no funny positions needed.
Travel & Dive Girl - I agree - we must all be happy with what nature gave us - just thought it would be neat to compare the drastic cultural differences between the ideals...
In the Ghanaian culture the beauty of a woman is also multi-dimensional. Its not only about being well proportioned and endowed, but it is also about how kind and respectful she is. Personally I think the most important thing is staying healthy physically and mentally. Anecdotally men in Ghana feel that bigger women are a symbol of health whiles a skinny women may be unhealthy. Sometimes its all about the butt, the boobs, and the sex appeal of the woman. .... only your eyes Holli!
Wow - both extreme, as has been said, but also both unhealthy. The former is obviuosly far too thin, (and I think most western cultures would agree), and the latter is probably carrying a few more pounds than is wise.
Thanks anon - I would never want to claim beauty is not a multi-faceted thing. I think that is a cross cultural thing as well. This was a simple comparison of ideals that society puts on women to strive towards - and both how extreme and different these can be!
I also know that a woman with extra pounds is seen in Ghana to be healthy - it is usually associated with living well, and therefore a sign of prestige. This was the case in Europe in generations past as well.
I think in the west, we have taken the whole thing to the extreme in the other direction. Now it's all about will power in the face of all that is available. It's about starving yourself to prove you have the strength.. it's getting quite warped.
Expat Mom - I agree both these ideals represent extremes that are not healthy. I remember an old saying, "Everything in moderation!"
Very nicely contrasted pictures! I can also attest to the fact that many Ghanaian women have big butts, even the thin ones. It must be a genetic thing.
I'm a little surprised that the young Ghanaians on Facebook still like the more generously proportioned young women, like earlier generations did.
I noticed in my second stay in Ghana (years in between) that the number of young skinny girls was certainly on the increase, along with western fashions.
Oh, and now I have a story for a post! ;)
Miss Footloose
my NEW url:
I watched an interview with Kathy Ireland (the ex-model) the other day, and she said she was tired of the unrealistic expectations put on women by fashion designers. She said women starved themselves in order to buy clothes they probably couldn't afford, designed by people who probably didn't like women or the female shape.
The average woman is 5 ft. 4 in. and weighs 164 lbs. Who knew!
I don't think either of the women in these pictures look attractive, but it's just because they are both a bit distorted. Somewhere in between is probably just right.
Jo - interesting stat about the average woman - I think it needs to be far more exposed!!
I have noticed that the American BMI calculator is pretty strict in terms of what it considers 'overweight'.
Jo - interesting stat about the average woman - I think it needs to be far more exposed!!
I have noticed that the American BMI calculator is pretty strict in terms of what it considers 'overweight'.
Miss Footloose - awaiting the new post! :)
Your thought provoking post brought to mind the "Dove Pro-age Ad" using real women (not professional, air-brushed models) over 50.
The ad is banned from network TV in the U.S., ostensibly for showing too much skin. Things that make you go 'hmmm.' It is shown on TV in many European countries.
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Well your photos certainly prove the old adage about it being ' in the eye of the beholder,' talk about extremes! It is amazing and slightly scary, the power that different cultures have on self image.
What a nice eye-opening post. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder but I think we are looking in the wrong places. Real beauty comes from a kind heart. The kinder your heart the more beautiful a person you are regardless of the packaging you were born in.
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Lovely post. I've been fighting this battle to gain weight and hence look more african womanish....but I guess in the end, its up to the individual to love what you have and excuse my french...damn society ideals.
Boy, Anonymous really loves you. Look at all the comments he/she left.
It's a shame that so much emphasis is given to body beauty, when it's the combination of a healthy body, mind, and spirit that should be what we shoot for, with individual standards of our own, not those chosen by a few so-called fashion mavens who tell us what to think.
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