I've been getting lots of 'things about me' chain mails and facebook links... Some are 100 things, some are 25 things, some are 50 things. So I decided to post my own. Only I've heard that
the meaning of life is 42. That's exactly as many points as I could muster up.
Apparently this is a pay it forward type thing and apparently I'm months behind as everyone has already done this... so here goes my late to the finish line contribution...
1. I have no fear of rats and mice, but I’m convinced cockroaches and earwigs are the devil’s spawn
2. And I’m not even religious!
3. Chocolate though, it’s gotta be from heaven. 70% is the closest of all to heavenly…
4. I fractured my skull falling from a lifeguard’s chair when I was seven.
5. Apart from my head I’ve never had a broken bone.
6. I’ve never tried any drugs except for marijuana, and it had me believing I could see the entire Captain Hook movie unfolding along the ashphalt as we drove down the road, my head hanging out the window. I realized it wasn’t for me…
7. I love red wine – especially Malbec and good Shiraz, but to be honest the third glass could be anything – it all starts to taste the same.
8. I only like flowers growing. I think cut flowers are wasteful and pointless.
9. One of my favourite childhood pastimes was popping tar bubbles on the side of the road. Although my friend and I missed entire lunchtimes doing this and got separated by our parents for the walks to and from school as a punishment.
10. One of my other favourite childhood pastimes was collecting worms after the rain in jars… I was a bit weird.
11. I refused braces even though my bottom teeth are all ‘higgelty piggelty’ according to my husband.
12. Once in a restaurant I owned with my ex, a man fell down the stairs and cracked his head open. One of the waiters shouted to me at the bar, “Call 911!!!!” I shouted back in a panic, “What’s the number?!!”
13. Cilantro is a love or hate thing. I LOVE it. Beets are the same, but I HATE them.
14. Sports have never been my thing. As a kid I failed at ballet, tennis, t-ball, soccer and synchronized swimming. Since the age of 13 I have pretty much avoided all sports like the plague.
15. I have a big horizontal scar across my right knee from an operation I had at 16 to remove a calcium deposit – the result of a soccer injury!
16. I’ve never been a very feminine lady. I don’t wear make up and always feel like a kid wearing her mom’s make up when I do try for special occasions.
17. I hate to chew gum, it gives me a headache.
18. I can’t whistle. I just look funny and air comes out of my mouth.
19. I can’t play video games, it makes my chin quiver involuntarily.
20. My 20th birthday was spent in a village in Botswana where I was volunteering for a year with Crossroads International
21. I have had two to three recallable dreams a night ever since I can remember. Most are not profound.
22. I like movies that are realistic or based on true stories. I hate Sci-fi and action films.
23. I owned a gas station as a single mom for three years when I was 25.
24. My first boyfriend was in kindergarten. He was from Nigeria and his name was Nigel. His family was the only non-white family in the small Ontario town I lived in.
25. I was an only child until I was 8.
26. I’ve always been enamoured with Africa.
27. I hate gambling. Never understood the fascination with casinos.
28. No one can convince me that creationism should be taught along side evolution in a science class.
29. I find dogmatic religions to be insulting and controlling.
30. I’m a fan of British comedy.
Ricky Gervais and
Eddie Izzard are my favourites.
31. I have an arm band tattoo of dancing stickmen, all holding hands around my bicep (what bicep!)
32. I LOVE spicy food. The more pepper the better.
33. I learned Swahili in University. I learned Twi in life, in Ghana.
34. A friend and I named ourselves ‘ABFab’ moms after the famous British duo in the show
Absolutely Fabulous.
35. I gave my first son three middle names – one of them is ‘Mompati’ which means my companion in Setswana.
36. I’m pretty good with chopsticks and I like sushi before it was trendy.
37. My fav foods are cheesecake, Pad Thai and vegetarian roti (from Bacchus Roti shop on Queen St. in Toronto).
38. I am not remotely graceful.
39. I can get along with almost everyone.
40. My friends say I’m a typical Sagittarius. They mean I like to travel and put my foot in my mouth a lot. I talk louder than I think sometimes.
41. I’ve had more heartache in this lifetime than anyone should endure, but I still have a positive outlook.
42. I've had 3 major relationships, 2 children, 2 stepchildren and 1 boat and I've learned something from each one of them.
Now my eyes are squeezed shut. I'm sending this off to cyber space and waiting for the meaning of life to come to me. Does it come by e-mail attachment?